Creative Writing for Quality Reading

Yerevan, 26-27 June 2014
Armenian Literature Foundation, within the framework of Book Platform project, is organizing atraining-workshop on Creative Writing for Quality Reading, which will take place on June 26-27, 2014. The workshop will take place at the Writers' Union of Armenia. It will contain sessions of theoretical lectures and practical exercises on creative writing skills to help writers create a quality material for readers, thus promote the reading of local literature in Armenia.

The call for applications of participants is now open. The applicants should have at least publications in literary journals or online literary magazines. The upper age limit for participants is 43 years old. If you are interested, send your application until June 22 at:, including brief biographical information, as well as a list of books and/or publications.

The trainers of the workshop are the renowned writer Viken Berberian and the trainer Laure Pecher from Paris, France. Mr Berberian participated as a speaker at the workshop on Fair-Play and Collaboration: Armenia, which took place in January 2014 in Yerevan. His bio can be read here: Ms Pecher participated at the workshop on Promotion of Literature in Translation and Editorial Visits-Armenia, which took place in February 2014 in Yerevan. Her bio is available here:


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A workshop on Creative Writing for Quality Reading took place on June 26-28, 2014 at the Writers' Union in Yerevan, Armenia
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