წიგნის გამომცემლობა როგორც წამყვანი კულტურული ინდუსტრია კვლევა: უკრაინა
ივნისი - ნოემბერი 2012
Publishing and Bookselling in Ukraine. Results of a survey on book publishing and distribution, 2012-2013
presents a summary of the study of the Ukrainian book sector and its main findings and conclusions, as well as two expert opinions on it. This is the first time that a study of book publishing and
book distribution in Ukraine has been carried out on such a scale. The study is based on years of systematic collection of information by the Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers and Book
Sellers (UABB), while the report was commissioned by the Publishers Forum (Lviv) as part of the Book Platform project. The report provides information about the state of the Ukrainian publishing
sector from 2002 until 2012 (The information for 2012 is not presented in all sections, as it had not been processed at the time of the Report's
At the time of the preparation of the current publication, the tangible results of the study and the report were already starting to come into being.
The Parliamentary Hearings, that took place on May 15, 2013, in Kyiv, were largely based on the data and the analyses presented in the current report. Under the title The Problems of Ukrainian Book Publishing, Bookselling As Well As Perspectives for Support of Book Reading in Ukraine, the hearings were organized by the Committee for Culture and Spirituality of the Ukrainian Parliament and were held in the session hall of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine). The speakers included heads of committees of Parliament, MPs, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, publishers, booksellers, librarians, and promoters. With the Book Platform project's support, the hearings were also attended by Jens Bammel, secretary general of the International Publishers Association (IPA), the Geneva-based organization that represents publishers world-wide. Shortly after the Parliamentary Hearings, the president of Ukraine signed Decree No.336/2013 on taking measures for government support of book publishing and the promotion of reading in Ukraine.
At the time of the preparation of the current publication, the tangible results of the study and the report were already starting to come into being.
The Parliamentary Hearings, that took place on May 15, 2013, in Kyiv, were largely based on the data and the analyses presented in the current report. Under the title The Problems of Ukrainian Book Publishing, Bookselling As Well As Perspectives for Support of Book Reading in Ukraine, the hearings were organized by the Committee for Culture and Spirituality of the Ukrainian Parliament and were held in the session hall of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine). The speakers included heads of committees of Parliament, MPs, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers, publishers, booksellers, librarians, and promoters. With the Book Platform project's support, the hearings were also attended by Jens Bammel, secretary general of the International Publishers Association (IPA), the Geneva-based organization that represents publishers world-wide. Shortly after the Parliamentary Hearings, the president of Ukraine signed Decree No.336/2013 on taking measures for government support of book publishing and the promotion of reading in Ukraine.
The publication on Publishing and Bookselling in Ukraine consists of the following chapters:
- A recovering book industry preparing to meet challenges domestically and from abroad (by Rüdiger Wichenbart)
- Report on the results of research of the Ukrainian book sector (by Oleksandr Afonin of the Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers)
- Conclusions and recommendations (by Oleksandra Koval)
Publishing and Bookselling in Ukraine. Results of a survey on book publishing and distribution, 2012-2013
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ეს გზამკვლევი შედგენილია ,,ნექსთ ფეიჯის'' პროექტ ,,წიგნის პლატფორმის'' ფარგლებში. პროექტი ,,წიგნის პლატფომრა'' დაფინანსებულია ევროკავშირის მიერ და ხორციელდება
,,აღმოსავლეთ კულტურის პარტნიორობის პროგრამის'' ფარგლებში.
ეს პუბლიკაცია გამოიცა ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით. პუბლიკაციის შინაარსზე პასუხისმგებლობა ეკისრებათ მის ავტორებს და მასში გამოხატული მოსაზრებები არ წარმოადგენს ევროკავშირის ოფიციალურ მოსაზრებებს.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
დაკავშირებული სიახლეები
On May 15, 2013 in Kyiv the Parliamentary Hearings entitled "The problems of Ukrainian
book publishing, bookselling as well as perspectives of support of book reading in Ukraine" took place. The Hearings were organized by Committee for Culture and
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წაიკითხე მეტი
ამ გამოცემაზე ჯერ არ არის კომენტარი.