Georgian literature in translation

Program in Support of Georgian Book and Literature
The Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

Program in Support of Georgian Book and Literature

The Program in Support of the Georgian Book and Literature has been established by the Ministry of Culture and  Monument Protection of Georgia and it is financially supported through the funds earmarked under the Law of Georgia on the State Budget. The program serves the aims of the national policy for literature, books and libraries, development of the literary process in the country, stimulation of Georgian writing, and the promotion of books and literature.

Major goals and tasks of the Program in Support of the Georgian Book and Literature are as follows:

• Distribution of public funds through open, competitive mechanisms;
• Encouragement of unsolicited initiatives;
• Facilitation of book fairs;
• Implementation of the Translation Support Program;
• Development of libraries;
• Facilitation of the integration of Georgian literature into international arts and culture.

In 2010, the Ministry announced its Translation Support Program for foreign publishing houses. The project will stimulate the international promotion of the Program in Support of the Georgian Book and Literature.

• The Translation Support Program is aimed at supporting the best Georgian titles in foreign translations;
• The project is designed for foreign publishing houses which are willing to publish Georgian literature in translation;
• The translation project aims at reimbursing the translation costs to the publishers by compensating the translation fees.

Detailed information on translation subsidies is available through our webpage at

Every year, financial support provided by the Ministry of Georgia for Culture and Protection of Monuments contributes to the presence of Georgian publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair and the Leipzig Book Fair to present their new releases to foreign readers,create contacts with foreign publishers, or to generally establish contacts with foreign partners. The history of Georgian literature dates back centuries and is more or less well-known throughout the world. We remain optimistic that Georgian culture, as an integral part of the great western culture and namely the modern Georgian book and literature, will soon find its readers abroad. The Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia strives to make a significant contribution to this effort.

Medea Metreveli
Head of Program in Support
of Georgian Book and Literature


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